Sunday, March 22, 2015

Seeking Prayers, please read

I want to cast a big net because when it is needed there is nothing like being held up in prayer. The above photo was taken last Thursday at the Oregon Health Science University Hospital in Portland.  We were there for a meet and greet appointment with a heart surgeon. Dan's aortic valve needs to be replaced and we are going to "get'r done" so we can get back to our happy travels. Dr. Fred Tibayan and team will operate Tuesday morning. They will replace his valve with a new one made from cow heart tissue, plus they will do one artery bypass. An advantage of the tissue valve is that he will not have to be on blood thinners the rest of his life. Dan is more fit than their typical heart patient and the professionals are encouraging about his recovery. Please, if you are the praying sort, you know what we need & I know the Holy Spirit will deliver. Thank-you in advance. 
I plan to use the blog here as a way to update family and friends on Dan's progress and recovery. The estimate is for a 5-7 day stay at the hospital. We might even get a room with a view similar to the photo at the top. 
I will be in touch. Jean


  1. Dan and Jean: You can count on our prayers--they are flowing already. May the Lord wrap you in comfort, protection, and healing. You are precious friends and beloved family. Much love, Linda (Rodgers)

  2. Praying from Kansas City, too! Mary Anne
