Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Slowly We Left Waco

Sunday April 2, evening Lake Waco

Saturday night April 1st and on into Sunday morning a big thunderstorm came through Waco. As our fellow builders dodged the storm and left in their various directions, we headed to town to worship again at St. Paul’s. Thunder rumbled as the clergy and small choir processed into the sanctuary. The priest made an aside comment about appropriate somber Lenten sound effects. A few more minutes into the service there was louder thunder and the power went out. The power stayed out. The peaceful service continued with hardly a hitch…smart phones were used to provide reading light. The altar candles and weak daylight through the stained glass windows was all the other light we had. Partway through the service one of the clergy had to exit briefly to rescue some folks who were electronically locked into the church office—an odd parallel to the gospel reading about Lazarus.

We spent the remainder of Sunday doing chores such as laundry and grocery shopping. All of our work tools and gear needed to be stored away on the floor of the back seat of the truck. 

Monday morning dawned clear and calm. These Texas storms really leave the world refreshed. Going to and from work in Waco daily we passed a nice paved bike path and green space. After we loaded the camper and left the campground our first stop was Lake Brazos East Park where we could hop on our bikes and explore. Have you heard of the Chisholm Trail? They were celebrating its 150th anniversary last week. In Waco is a suspension bridge that is a significant point on the Chisholm Trail and it is part of the bike route we road.

On our ride we explored the Baylor University campus and revisited Magnolia.
Magnolia treats: local kombucha and a red velvet cupcake.
Bike path near Baylor

Dan at Magnolia silos
We left town about 3:00, the first leg of our new adventures took us on down the Brazos River to a little county park at the Falls of the Brazos. We were less than an hour from Waco, but at least we were on our way...

Falls on the Brazos

Monday evening heavy flow from Sunday rains
The flow dropped considerably by Tuesday morning. The evening before we could see fish swimming up stream on the right side of the falls. We watched local fishermen catch them in nets as they swam in the shallow water over the old road bed. By the next morning the water was too low for the fish to swim in the same spot. 

 The Journey is My Home... to be continued... 

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